Monday, March 1, 2010

Reading Reflection 5 - Im thinking...

Anything on my mind, huh? Frustration is a word that comes to mind. I do not like to be frustrated however I cannot help but feel overwhelmed and powerless against all this work. My anxiety tends to get the best of me even though I seem to work best under pressure. Although one person can only take so much.
I can’t believe that we only have a couple weeks left of university classes and then we are FINALLY able to teach full time. I am well aware that teaching is more work than the university classes but I rather put my heart and hours into my teaching than to empty assignments. As reading Teaching in Secondary Schools, again, classroom management varies depending on each class. So sitting and re-reading the chapter seemed like a meaningless assignment when I can’t immediately apply it to my classroom. Although I enjoy reading Groupwork because I am not use to assigning or working (before this program) in groups and it helps me consider what works and what doesn't.
I’m not saying I think that these classes are completely pointless or that all of the assignments given are empty. I understand how important they are and how much information that needs to get across in such a short amount of time but I feel that they could be more meaningful. For example, during Pat Stall’s class when the GSA students from Carlsbad High School came to talk to us and teach us, that had so much impact and meaning. From that visit, there could be some meaningful assignments.

I'm never one to complain but this is my venting blog! :/

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